ITANAGAR: Arunachal Pradesh has secured additional assistance from the central government, exceeding allocations provided under standard central schemes. Union Tribal Affairs Minister Jual Oram shared this update with Governor Lt Gen (Retd) K T Parnaik during their meeting on Thursday at Raj Bhavan.
The minister highlighted that 17 central ministries, including those responsible for housing, health, education, telecommunications, and sports, are contributing to this enhanced support aimed at improving welfare measures for the state’s tribal communities.
Governor Parnaik emphasized the importance of adopting a focused strategy to foster integrated socio-economic development. He underscored the need for special central assistance in critical sectors such as education, health, agriculture, skill development, and employment.
As part of his recommendations, the governor advocated for establishing more Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) in remote regions to provide quality education for tribal children, which he believes would strengthen their foundation for higher education and open up diverse career opportunities.
The governor also recognized the achievements of tribal youth from Arunachal Pradesh in sports and proposed the creation of a state-of-the-art sports centre of excellence. Such a facility, equipped with advanced training and scientific support, could enhance the potential of the state’s athletes on national and international platforms.
Additionally, discussions touched upon improving tribal livelihoods, promoting entrepreneurship, and supporting tribal artisans through better procurement, logistics, and marketing systems.
Minister Oram acknowledged the governor’s proposals and assured that the central government would address the specific needs of Arunachal Pradesh. The meeting reinforced a collective commitment to advancing the welfare of the state’s tribal communities through sustained efforts and targeted initiatives.