PORBANDAR: In a successful rescue operation on Thursday, the Indian Coast Guard rescued nine crew members from a sunken vessel in the Arabian Sea, assisted by Pakistani maritime authorities. The incident occurred about 311 km west of Porbandar, Gujarat, within Pakistan’s Search and Rescue Region, and involved the vessel MSV Taj Dhare Haram, which was traveling from Mundra, Gujarat, to Socotra, Yemen.
The vessel faced rough seas, which caused flooding onboard and a distress call. The Indian Coast Guard acted promptly after the distress signal was picked up by an ICG Dornier aircraft while on routine surveillance. MRCCs in Mumbai and Karachi coordinated the rescue effort.
ICG Ship Shoor, already patrolling in the area, was dispatched at full speed and Pakistan’s MRCC informed the other vessels in the vicinity. After an intensive search, the crew members were found to be aboard a life raft, having abandoned the sinking vessel. The rescue operation was successfully accomplished around 4 pm with all nine crew members rescued just in time before the vessel completely submerged.
The rescued crew members have been taken on board ICGS Shoor where they have been administered medical care and reported fit. They are being taken to the harbour in Porbandar.