Sidharth Malhotra, the Bollywood actor who made his debut 12 years ago, will now be seen romancing a 12-year-old younger actress in his upcoming film. Ulajh actor Janhvi Kapoor will now be seen with Sid in an upcoming romantic-comedy, titled Param Sundari. After starring in multiple patriotic films, Sidharth will return to the love-drama genre and will now be seen opposite an actress with whom he has never worked before. Yes! Fresh pair alert.
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Siddharth and Janhvi Kapoor’s film is officially announced
Back in October, India TV reported that Sidharth will be working with Janhvi for the first time in Param Sundari. Now Maddock Films have made the official announcement on Tuesday. “North ka swag, South ki grace – two worlds collide and sparks fly. Dinesh Vijan presents #ParamSundari, a love story directed by Tushar Jalota, coming to cinemas on 25th July 2025. Meet the suave Sidharth Malhotra as Param and the vivacious Janhvi Kapoor as Sundari,” read the caption. For the unversed, Tushar is known for directing Abhishek Bachchan’s film Dasvi.
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Siddharth and Janhvi Kapoor’s film is officially announced
Back in October, India TV reported that Sidharth will be working with Janhvi for the first time in Param Sundari. Now Maddock Films have made the official announcement on Tuesday. “North ka swag, South ki grace – two worlds collide and sparks fly. Dinesh Vijan presents #ParamSundari, a love story directed by Tushar Jalota, coming to cinemas on 25th July 2025. Meet the suave Sidharth Malhotra as Param and the vivacious Janhvi Kapoor as Sundari,” read the caption. For the unversed, Tushar is known for directing Abhishek Bachchan‘s film Dasvi.
What is the story of Param Sundari?
According to rumours, Siddharth and Janhvi Kapoor were supposed to star in a thriller film, but it has now been changed to a romance story. Param Sundari will be centred on a boy and a girl from different cultures. Siddharth will play a wealthy and attractive businessman from Delhi who falls for Janhvi Kapoor, a modern artist from Kerala with strong beliefs. If readers recall correctly, several Bollywood films, like Chennai Express and 2 States, were based on the scenario of a North guy falling for a South girl.
When will the shooting start?
The shooting of the rom-com Param Sundari, helmed by Tushar Jalota, began in December. The first schedule will be shot in Delhi with Siddharth Malhotra before the team departs for Kerala. The remaining scenes will be shot in the Mumbai studio. The filming can be completed by 2025. According to reports, the title is based on Kriti Sanon‘s song Param Sundari from the film Mimi, therefore she may be in the film as well. There is currently no official declaration in this regard.