Allu Arjun shared a post on social media for the first time since his home in Hyderabad was vandalized over the weekend. The actor has been at the center of controversy since the release of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule. He has also been subjected to legal issues after a woman died in a stampede during the screening of Pushpa, and her son was critically injured. However, the husband of the woman said that he does not hold Allu Arjun responsible.
In a tweet on X (formerly Twitter) that has more than 316K views, the actor reshared a post on YRF. The YRF post read, “Records are meant to be broken, and new ones push everyone towards excellence. Congratulations to the entire #Pushpa2TheRule team for rewriting history books. Fire, not wildfire!”
Replying to the YRF post, Allu Arjun wrote, “Thank you … so graceful. Humbled by your wishes. Thank you, I am touched. May this record soon be broken by a heart-melting #YRF film, and may we all collectively move towards excellence.”
Congratulations to the entire #Pushpa2TheRule team! @mythriofficial | @aryasukku | @alluarjun | @iamRashmika | #FahadhFaasil
— Yash Raj Films (@yrf) December 23, 2024
After the incident during the Pushpa 2 screening, the Telugu star was arrested, and he spent a night in jail. However, Allu Arjun hasn’t addressed the turn of events. He also refrained from addressing the vandalization of his home in Hyderabad. A group of protestors vandalized the home of Allu Arjun in Jubilee Hills on Sunday. Six people involved in the protests were arrested; however, they were released on bail on Monday.
While Allu Arjun has not spoken of the incident, his father, Allu Aravind, spoke to the media about the incident that took place on Sunday. He said, “Everyone has seen what happened at our house today. But it is time for us to act accordingly. Now is not the right time for us to react to anything.”
He added, “The police are ready to take away anyone else who comes here to create a ruckus. No one should encourage incidents like these. But I will not react just because the media is here. Now is the time to practice restraint. The law will take its course.”
For the unversed, Allu Arjun was issued notice to appear before police on Tuesday as part of the ongoing probe into the stampede during the screening of ‘Pushpa-2’ on December 4, police sources said. The actor was asked to appear at 11 AM, Chikkadpally Police Inspector Raju Naik said. Allu Arjun said earlier that he would cooperate with the investigation.
Meanwhile, the film Pushpa 2 has grossed Rs 1506.7 crores at the worldwide box office.