New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan’s highly-anticipated film Sikandar has been making headlines ever since its release. Known for creating a stir with his films, Salman Khan is all set to leave everyone stunned with Sikandar. While excitement for the film is at its peak, speculations are arising: will he use his father Salim Khan’s first bike in the film?
Salman Khan had recently shared some pictures with his father, the legendary writer Salim Khan, where the duo can be seen cherishing the moment with Salim Khan’s first bike, a Triumph Tiger. While the father-son bonding was indeed heartwarming, it raises the question: will Salman Khan be seen using his father’s iconic bike in the much-anticipated Sikandar?
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Meanwhile, on the work front, Salman Khan is set to return on Eid 2025 with Sikandar, produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and directed by AR Murugadoss.